Sistema Gusto

Sistema Gusto: a branding project to support a new business strategy

A new focus of its business and an expansion into further target markets. But not only that, also a new product culture mixed with an innovative production model. The branding project conducted by Gruppo WISE for Savini Group, the catering and hotel industry giant, was focused on all these main targets.

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New end markets, same competitive advantages
Producer of high quality semi-finished frozen single-portion dishes distributed in the Group’s Points of Sales, the company was supported in the consolidation of an evolved business model, in which the target markets went beyond the corporate boundaries. Sales to Horeca players (restaurateurs, hotels, catering and bistros) with future arrival also in B2C.

There are two product lines: recipes designed and created by the company’s chefs and creation of dishes commissioned by the customer. All, however, united by the competitive advantages represented by high-end quality and the optimization of resources by customers (timing, investments in personnel, equipment, work spaces) called only to follow a few simple instructions for finishing the dish. Furthermore, a cultural implementation is underlying this model, dictated by the rooting in our country of the awareness of quality, traceability and safety contained in the frozen product.

Roots and wings: a name between past and future
The examination of the customer’s production DNA and strategy conducted by Gruppo WISE produced, as a first point of arrival, a naming work culminating in the definition of “Sistema Gusto“. Italianity, which is an indispensable synonym of quality, refers to the sensorial sphere of food, to the technicality and organization behind excellent productions, which are divided into two initial letters. “S” and “G” are, in fact, the group’s historical trademark, they claim its human origin, and also represent the path within which the present and future are marked. The new era of the company opened in this perfect balance between essence and work.

A partner to grow with
Your own business, gourmet” is the payoff through which we intended to underline the vocation of the company. The very structure of its business and the advantages it generates for the customer make it a strategic partner, thanks to which it is possible to rethink one’s programming, raise one’s culinary offering, reducing investments and expenses.

In this framework, the centrality of the interlocutor is highlighted, who can also benefit from a very high level of customization of supplies, capable of intercepting even the most specific needs. Finally, the term “gourmet” includes the system of offers and services which, if adopted, can quickly and advantageously raise quality standards.

Immediate and reliable
A clear, at the same time complete, interpretation that includes service, reliability and customization is conveyed by the identified logo, in which the asterisk claims a double mission. On the one hand, recalling the universal symbol of frozen food, at the center of Sistema Gusto‘s mission and a strategic asset, on the other it evokes a seal of quality, a guarantee of excellence and safety of the product. The promise contained in the storytelling “We boost your recipe” reinforces the centrality of the customer and his needs, which are sublimated by the potential of Sistema Gusto.

An offer that presents itself, with the semantic ambivalence of the term “recipe”, both as a business accelerator and for the customer’s culinary proposal. Usability, speed and efficiency of the proposal are also reflected in the tone of voice which is simple, immediate and decisive. This reinforces the essence of Sistema Gusto as an innovative and structured partner that supports and elevates the customer’s catering potential.

Tools for communication
Gruppo WISE has also created the shooting that will support the visual narrative of the Brand and which will see the shots included in the new Sistema Gusto catalogue, in which its proposal will find a precise declination based on the new image framework.



The chosen naming evokes technicality and
conveys a complex and comprehensive reality, dedicated to enhancing Italian taste.


A synergy of elements set in a solid, secure composition that expresses the promise of quality while simultaneously conveying the dynamism of the service, adaptable to specific needs.


A new brand capable of enhancing and making the Group’s know-how, the “Savini Formula”, accessible to a broader range of B2B stakeholders globally.


The storytelling is built on the promise of enhancing the “recipe” of potential clients, understood both as a culinary preparation and as a business solution.



Evocative images that capture the chef's gesture in preparing the dish, showcasing all the care and attention put into each recipe.

The gourmet
solution for
professionals in the
food industry.

The tone of voice is simple, immediate, and decisive, focused on presenting Sistema Gusto as an amplifier and optimizer of the potential of each individual business.